ואהבת לרעך כמוך
A movement where we embrace that there is a golden rule that states we must love our fellow as we love our self. By Living and playing according to this rule, our players unlock selfless actions, are more able to work as a team, to constantly review the good, the bad and ultimately make the right choice.
Spirituality Before Physicality
Inspired by a personal journey of Teshuva, the concept of spirituality before physicality is our approach which states that our personal growth, learning and development is primary and is the focus point of every workout, every meeting and experience.
Spirituality Before Physicality
Inspired by a personal journey of Teshuva, the concept of spirituality before physicality is our approach which states that our personal growth, learning and development is primary and is the focus point of every workout, every meeting and experience.
1% Rule
Our programs are based on personal growth and development. Our 1% Rule comes to hold our players accountable by measuring daily success and improving on a daily basis. We are trying to get better every day in one aspect of life. We recognize that these micro victories add up, build confidence and help aspiring athletes get to achieve their individual and team goals.
Achieving greatness means we take our success and embrace it in a healthy manner. By unlocking our potential and developing deep confidence in our craft and refining our skills. We put a strong emphasis on making sure we take the proper approach to life by Always staying connected to our community, to keeping the mindset of דע מאין באת ולאן אתה הולך – know where you came from and where are you going
Achieving greatness means we take our success and embrace it in a healthy manner. By unlocking our potential and developing deep confidence in our craft and refining our skills. We put a strong emphasis on making sure we take the proper approach to life by Always staying connected to our community, to keeping the mindset of דע מאין באת ולאן אתה הולך – know where you came from and where are you going
Purpose - משמעות
Living purposefully and connecting to our goals and aspirations is a key to drive motivation, to encourage exploration and embracing challenges. Each one of us can contribute in a unique manner and understanding that unlocks a vast amount of opportunities for success